折腾了下DD-WRT去广告 - Leo's Utopia


leo.zhao posted @ Fri, 04 Oct 2013 19:55:52 +0800 in linux with tags 广告 路由器 , 11177 readers



简单介绍一下:路由器型号是TL-WRT841ND V7,两年前购于京东,老早就刷了DD-WRT固件。


1. 添加获取Chinalist广告列表的脚本为启动命令。


logger WAN up script executing
if test -s /tmp/dnsmasq.ads
	rm /tmp/dnsmasq.ads

logger Downloading China Lazy List
wget -O - http://adblock-chinalist.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/adblock-lazy.txt | grep ^\|\|[^\*]*\^$ |
sed -e 's:||:address\=\/:' -e 's:\^:/127\.0\.0\.1:' > /tmp/dnsmasq.ads
grep conf-file /tmp/dnsmasq.conf ||
echo -e "\nconf-file=/tmp/dnsmasq.ads" >> /tmp/dnsmasq.conf
logger Restarting dnsmasq
killall dnsmasq
dnsmasq --conf-file=/tmp/dnsmasq.conf

2. 给路由器增加定时自动更新列表的命令。


* 1 * * * root /tmp/.rc_startup



rock said:
Wed, 18 Dec 2013 17:09:27 +0800

hi,按照这个方法走路由器屏蔽了广告后,火狐会出现不少弹筐,提示输入用户名和密码,如我访问163网站,代码中屏蔽了img1.126.net , 不知道这个是什么原因,如何解决。 谢谢。

jimmy yang said:
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 14:50:41 +0800

好样的 ,,,,,,,,,,

Taylor said:
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 19:42:59 +0800

If you're looking to improve your home network and want to take things to the next level, consider tossing DD-WRT onto your router. DD-WRT is a powerful open-source firmware that can improve your router's performance and add a variety of features. One of the best features of DD-WRT is that it can be used to create a VPN server, allowing you to securely access your home network from anywhere in the world. restaurant pos system dubai DD-WRT is also great for increasing the range of your wireless network and for improving speeds.

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rov said:
Thu, 01 Dec 2022 23:51:47 +0800

If you're looking to increase your home Wi-Fi signal, you may want to consider tossing DD-WRT onto your router. DD-WRT is home real estate Sarasota a firmware that can be installed on many routers that allows for increased functionality and better performance. One of the great features of DD-WRT is that it can be used to create a Wi-Fi repeater, which can help extend your home Wi-Fi signal.

zaiya said:
Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:37:00 +0800

If you are looking for an easy to use router with all the advanced features, then the DD-WRT firmware is worth considering. With just a couple of steps, it can easily block all kinds of advertisements, so that you can enjoy smooth web browsing without interruption. Not only that, but it also offers you a wide range of features such as dual-core processor, and high performance wireless networking. All these features cheap real diamond rings online make the DD-WRT firmware an ideal choice for those who are looking for a hassle-free router experience.

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Fri, 12 Jan 2024 17:56:09 +0800

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