kde下的笔记本软件Basket现在不错 - Leo's Utopia


leo.zhao posted @ Fri, 01 Apr 2011 20:02:06 +0800 in linux with tags linux kde basket 笔记软件 , 3399 readers


纵横天下 said:
Fri, 01 Apr 2011 21:27:08 +0800

你不觉得emacs orgmode很牛b么?

Alyssa said:
Wed, 21 Dec 2022 18:55:06 +0800

Basket is a note-taking application under kde. It is comparable to other note-taking software like Microsoft OneNote, Apple Notes, and Google Keep. The software has a lot of features, including the ability to save notes in a variety of formats (including HTML, PDF, and text), the ability Texas Governor to share notes with others, and the ability to organize notes into categories. The software is still under development, but it is already quite good.

jnanabhumiap.in said:
Sun, 21 Jan 2024 19:25:20 +0800

JNANABHUMI AP provides all the latest educational updates and many more. The main concept or our aim behind this website has been the will to provide resources with full information on each topic jnanabhumiap.in which can be accessed through the Internet. To ensure that every reader gets what is important and worthy about the topic they search and link to hear from us.

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