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Lameduck“Esser said:
Wed, 19 Oct 2016 08:31:09 +0800

Lameduck“Essere sfigati/sfigate è un atteggiamento, un modo di essere, belli o brutti che si possa essere.”E tu saresti laureata in psicologia?Cazzarola… ma lo sai che in certi atteggiamenti di tizio, caio, sempronio o pinco pallino (=maschi e femmine), incide moltissimo l’aspetto fisico?Ma che vai cianciando?_________Lameduck“Ecco, questo secondo me è un modo abbastanza infantile per chiudere il discorso, mettendo in dubbio la professionalità degli altri.”Infantili sono i tuoi discorsi, da tipica femminuccia, superficiale e misandrica, del XXI secolo.

Hmm..mie mi-a placut said:
Wed, 19 Oct 2016 05:21:37 +0800

Hmm..mie mi-a placut filmul, pot spune asta. Eu, nu sunt genul care sa astepte efecte de la un film, insa pe mine m-a impresionat sfarsitul. Din punctul meu de vedere, protagoniztii filmulul, traiesc defapt in lumea reala, insa eu au innebunit. Dupa cum zicea primul tip care a disparut, Matt ” O sa ne intoarcem acasa cand vom fi vindecati etc. “, ei defapt influentati de atmosfera spitalului si-au dezvoltat o lume imaginara in care sunt executati unul cate unul. Un sfarist ce lasa o gramada de interpretari, practic o combinatie dintre elemente bizare si horror.

You've got to be kid said:
Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:27:30 +0800

You've got to be kidding me-it's so transparently clear now!

Oh boy, I just looke said:
Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:18:10 +0800

Oh boy, I just looked at Queen's profile. He claims he didn't get any AA preferences, but yet he works for the GOVERNMENT! Haha, that is funny. The feds were the first to institutionalize reverse-racist hiring. Then he makes a veiled gun threat. That is SO NEGRO of him :) Do you hold the pistol sideways, too? Hehe. You'd better take it with you when you visit da hood to mingle with your homies.No wonder so many of you negroes are in prison.

Little Teochew:Oops, said:
Tue, 18 Oct 2016 04:46:58 +0800

Little Teochew:Oops, it's 15 grams. I must have missed it out when I copied and pasted from my recipes notebook.@Art and Appetite:I am so happy to see you back. :-))@Chef E:You are there too? I must go and check it out!@Donna-FFW:You would love Szechuan food, they are HOT!Thanks a bunch, friends, I am off now to yoga, come back soon to reply. Thanks again!

Revelations,I think said:
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:29:17 +0800

Revelations,I think that many would rather miss a percent or two of possible savings as values start to rise at some point than to buy and have values continue to fall.

There is a critical said:
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 04:07:45 +0800

There is a critical shortage of informative articles like this.

Hi Bridget,Sorry it said:
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 19:20:55 +0800

Hi Bridget,Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Have been visiting friends in Door County. The link to the 90 videos is at the Kaplan University site, but I believe all the videos are on Youtube. (You’ve probably figured that out by now) As for the computer…I bought a Macbook Pro. I love Apple computers because they’re user friendly and the company offers great tech support. Sounds like you might be working on something. Maybe a book about squirrels

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