痛定思痛,调整心态,学习充实 - Leo's Utopia


leo.zhao posted @ Thu, 07 Apr 2011 17:13:00 +0800 in 柴米油盐 with tags 学习 心态 , 2119 readers



1. 这两年工作发展太顺利,确实是有些飘飘然了。自己其实还有很多技术不扎实,管理经验还是比较不成熟的。

2. 有些急功近利了,凡事还是要靠自己。


1. Catia,要达到目前使用Solidworks的技术水平;

2. PIC单片机和C语言,要能完成家里用的那台立方小闹钟的运行程序;

3. Ansys有限元分析,要能在工作中进行简单新结构的分析。


+4. 学习德语,达到中学毕业时英语的水平。

Emma said:
Thu, 29 Dec 2022 19:45:23 +0800

Life is full of hardships and Learning from the pain is one of the best ways to adjust your mentality. No one wants Lab grown diamonds to experience pain, but it is inevitable. The key is to learn from it and use it to make yourself stronger. Enrich your studies by taking the time to understand what you are going through and how you can grow from it.

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